30th October 2024
The Tree Planting Season at Tithe Green Natural Burial
By Tracey Gelder

One of the most important aspects of natural burial at Tithe Green is the planting of the trees that both mark the spots where people have been laid to rest and help to encourage the wildlife and biodiversity that make our sites so special.
When you look into the details of our natural burial services, you may notice that we emphasise that we only plant these trees between November and February. If you’ve been wondering why we do this, this article will tell you all you need to know.
What is the tree planting season at Tithe Green?
Trees are dormant during the winter months, which means that they are not producing leaves or blossom. As a result, when planted at this time of year, they can put all their efforts into extending their roots and establishing themselves in their new home.
In addition to this, the weather conditions at this time of year – basically, the fact that it’s generally wet and cool – mean that they don’t have to worry about finding water or getting scorched by the hot sun.
As an extra boost to the freshly planted trees, we also add mycorrhizal fungi, which help them to extend their roots and take up essential nutrients, especially phosphorus.
How many trees are typically planted during the season?
It can, of course, vary greatly from year to year – but for the coming 2024/2025 planting season, we’ve ordered 235 trees.
When they come to us, the trees are typically about five or six feet high, with an average age of about six years, although this does vary from species to species.
Where are the trees sourced from?
It’s important to us that the trees are grown as locally as possible. Partly, this is for environmental reasons, in that there will be a far higher carbon footprint if we’re transporting them miles and miles.
However, it’s also good horticultural practice. By using a local supplier – in our case, Coles of Leicestershire – the trees are out of the ground for only a short period before being replanted at our site.
We plant trees that are native to the UK and typically found in woodland habitats. These include:
- Beech
- Wild cherry
- Lime
- Hazel
- Rown
- Crab apple
- Whitebeam
You can find out more about the trees at Tithe Green Natural Burial in our earlier blog on the subject.
Join us when we plant your tree
You’re always welcome to join us when we plant the memorial tree that is marking where your friend or family member is being laid to rest at Tithe Green Natural Burial. It’s a relaxed and informal occasion that can be a celebration of life away from the sadness of a funeral.
It’s also a great way of getting children involved and helping them through the process of understanding and coming to terms with the loss of someone important in their lives.